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6 simple ways to grow the eyebrows thicker, It’s a Brow Rehab Time!

Updated: Apr 16, 2024

Before we reach to the key ways to grow your eyebrows, I have to answer following few questions for you to know if you should consider a Brow Rehab Program and How?

Do eyebrows grow back?

Unless you have an underlying medical condition or over plucked your eyebrows over a long period of time that are causing your hair loss, your eyebrows should grow back.

At what point should you consider growing out your eyebrows?

If you feel like your brows aren't doing anything for your face shape or you're just not into how they look anymore, then it's time to consider growing them out.

When your brows appear too thin, the shape is off, or they don't look related, it’s time to seek a professional advice. I'm sure you've heard that eyebrows are sisters, not twins, meaning that they don't have to match exactly in order to look amazing, however, you don't want them to look completely different, either.

How long does it typically take for eyebrows to grow out?

Generally, the growth cycle for brows is four months. However, I've seen great progress with Brow Growth Conditioner after eight weeks. I have also seen major brow revolutions take up to a year.

Overall, if you're trying to get your brows back one of the most important things you can have is patience. Great brows aren't regrown in a day, or even a few days, so hang in there and whatever you do, step away from the tweezers.

What causes Brow Hair Loss?

  • We all know that the main cause of brow thinning is over tweezing or waxing over the years. Keep in mind that if you've been the type to pluck away over the years, some parts of your brows may never grow back. Over-plucking can cause permanent damage to the follicle to the point where it can no longer grow new hair.

  • Stress can result in thinning of eyebrow hair as well, but it can also be a bit more serious than a few fallen hairs. Some underlying medical conditions may also contribute to eyebrow thinning, such as thyroid disease, anemia, malnutrition, and underlying autoimmune conditions.

  • Imbalanced diet can also be another reason for brow hair loss. Such as lack of Iron Biotin in your body could cause hair fall.

  • Nutritional deficiencies, physical trauma, or emotional stress can also cause diminishing brows

Do Growth Serums work and should you use them?

Brow serums do work. In order to achieve the best result, they must be used consistently. It's all about your commitment. You have to use these products religiously because if you don't, you won't get the growth you want.

Brow Serums that have peptides are the best choices. Peptides help stimulate the activity of the hair follicle to give greater length and thickness of eyebrow hairs.

How do you keep them groomed in the grow-out phase, and what products should you use?

Of course, your eyebrows will look a little odd as they grow, so you have to work to keep them looking as groomed as possible. When growing out your brows, you should fill in the gaps to discourage you from tweezing the new growth as it comes in. Looking in the mirror every day can be daunting so use some brow products to improve the overall look.

These days, there is a wealth of options when it comes to helping along your grow-out phase. Brow Dye, Brow Styling Soap, Henna Brows and Brow-enhancing makeup are all within reach in your journey.

I am a fan of wax-based pencils. During the grow-out phase, use a coloured wax pencil to cover the gaps or try a Brow Pomade for longer wear.

Brush your eyebrows daily using a little Brow Pencil and a Brow Styling Soap to enhance the shape.

If you are not a fan of brow make up or you loose the shape, I highly recommend to try Brow Dye/ Hybrid Tint treatment in our salon. This new tint will stain the skin and tint the hairs at the same time. With our measuring technique you will achieve a pair of full, fluffy and define brows in just 20 min. The tint lasts up to 10 days on the skin and up to 3 weeks on the hairs.

Should you DIY your brow grooming or go to a salon?

If you didn't start with great brows, had a major hacking incident, or desire a greart change, book an appointment with us. That way, we can set a strategy for how you want them to grow in, and how you want to maintain them.

Here are the top 6 ways to grow thick eyebrows naturally:

1. Say goodbye to your Tweezers

It’ll feel weird at first, and you’ll definitely be tempted to pluck, but resist!

There’s grooming and then there’s plucking your brows within an inch of their lives. Groom them daily with a spoolie and a Brow Soap to encourage them to grow in the right direction.

Magnifying mirrors and bright lights are your other enemies. Super-bright lights and zoom mirrors make you lose perspective. You'll see more than the normal eye can see, which makes it easy to go overboard and thin out your eyebrows too much.

2. Seek for a Brow Consultation with a Brow Expert

Brow Consultations are arguably the most important part of the Brow Rehab Program. This is when we get to know the best strategy to grow your eyebrows.

If you are booking an appointment with me make sure that you keep the brows untouched at least for period of 4-6 weeks. No plucking, trimming or tinting whatsoever for at least 4-6 weeks. This way your Brow Expert will see what the potential brow hair growth is in your case and how long it might take to grow them back.

Book for a Brow Consultation or Brow High Definition online through my website.

In consultation, I will assess your brows and the skin underneath the brow hairs. Sometimes there might be a skin condition that causes the hair loss. If you are all clear of any medical conditions or hormonal imbalance that are the other reasons for hairs loss then, I will take you through the “Customised Brow Rehab Program”. The Brow Rehab period might take between 3 to 12 months depending on your brow hair grow cycle.

Since, your brow’s look is not going to be at its best during the growth cycle, I will also recommend the techniques that can help you to maintain the overall look during this time.


3. Start using Brow Growth Serum

Brow Growth Serums are my number one recommendation in this journey. Eyebrow growth serums contain peptides to promote healthy hair follicles, vitamins like Biotin and Panthenol to strengthen hair, and amino acids, to support your hair’s natural renewal cycle. That also prevent existing brow hair from falling out too. I highly recommend EyeEnvy BROW GROWTH SERUM. They work but you have to use them religiously.

4. Castor oil

This is an old and one of the most effective natural remedies for growing brow hairs. Since it is enriched with proteins, fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins, it helps in nourishing your hair follicles. Make sure that you apply castor oil every day on your eyebrow roots, it promotes hair growth and also ensures that each hair strand is thick and strong. Massage a few drops of castor oil into your eyebrows with your fingertips. Keep it on over a night and wash your face with warm water the next morning.

Note: Pure castor oil may cause irritation, hives, and rashes if you are allergic to it. Make sure that you perform a patch test before using it. Black castor oil is excellent for growing hair naturally.

5. Start exfoliating the brow area

Exfoliation helps to prevent ingrown hairs and encourage hair growth

Like exfoliating your face to make your foundation go on smoother, your brow pencils, gels, and powders will have the same effect. Cleansing the brow area also helps with increasing absorption of products such as sunscreen and hair growth remedies such as EyEnvy Serum.

Brow exfoliation might not magically make your brows as full as Cara, but your brow products will go on smoother and you'll have less ingrown hairs to deal with.

You may want to start by addressing your brows just once a week. If you prefer all-natural skincare products, you can make your own scrub for your brows. Mix 2 parts Castor oil with 1 part sea salt in a bowl and apply it to your brows. You can add a drop or 2 of your favourite essential oil (I recommend Tea Tree Oil) to add a pleasant scent to the scrub if you like.

Avoid rubbing the skin too much. Just gently cleans the skin underneath the hairs and rinse with normal water.

Note: patch test the mix before applying on the brows.

If you use waterproof brow products you should use waterproof, make up remover too.

6. A Balanced Diet

Hair is mostly made up of proteins and studies have shown that not getting enough protein can cause hair loss.

Certain vitamins, including B vitamins and vitamins A, B, C, and D have also been linked to hair growth. Dark leafy greens, such as spinach and kale are excellent sources of these vitamins. Meats and beans are excellent protein sources.


Iron deficiency anemia is a common cause of hair loss that can also affect the eyebrows. Getting enough iron in your diet may help your eyebrows grow faster.


Biotin is part of the vitamin B family. Biotin supplements for hair growth have become very popular..

Brow Rehab on my 2 clients over period of 3 and 6 months

Amy. B

Regrowth was assessed over six months using pictures taken at each follow-up. My first client Amy.B with sparse eyebrows who took a full six months to achieve full regrowth. Amy followed our Brow Rehab Program and used 2 EyEnvy Growth Serum to boost the brow hair growth over period of 6 months. The first photo is taken on 31st of December 2019 and the next photo shows the result after 6 months in June 2020. How incredible the result is!? ☺

To maintain the brows during the growth phase Amy was coming every 4 weeks for Brow Tidy up (Threading) and Brow Tint to fill the gaps on the brows.

6 simple ways to grow the eyebrows thicker,  It’s a Brow Rehab Time!
6 simple ways to grow the eyebrows thicker, It’s a Brow Rehab Time!

Suzie. K

Suzie’s Brows was grown back to normal within 3 months. :)

Suzie came in first at the end of April 2021. Her brows were over plucked and didn’t have any shape into them. Arches were missing and the bottom part of the brows was sparse.

“I am missing the shape and my brows are completely uneven” she said on the first appointment.

We started the Rehab Program immediately on the same session. I explained what we are going to achieve in the next few months, and she was completely happy with the plan. Suzie used EyEnvy Growth Serum during the Brow Rehab Program.

The next photo shows the brows on 3rd of July 2021. Do you think it’s not possible to grow the brow hairs back? Look at this before and after. ☺

To maintain the brows during the growth cycle Suzie came every 3 weeks for a Brow Tidy up (Threading) and Brow Dye/ Hybrid Tint.

As I mentioned earlier that Brow Dye stains the skin and tint the hairs for up to 3 weeks. Last session when she came in, we didn’t tint the eyebrows as they were fully grown and dark and there wasn’t any need for a Tint.

Believe it or not we shaped the brows a tiny bit thinner on the arches to give her a nice Brow Lift. ;)

6 simple ways to grow the eyebrows thicker,  It’s a Brow Rehab Time!

6 simple ways to grow the eyebrows thicker,  It’s a Brow Rehab Time!

1 Comment

Unknown member
Feb 24, 2022

Dermalmd Eyebrow Growth Serum is magic! I’m 40 and my eyebrows had been really thinning out. Tried and hated most brow products that are make up. DermalMD actually grows your eyebrows back. My eyebrows look beautiful, all brand new! Only problem is the cost because in order to maintain the results you need to continue to use the product, every other day instead of each day the first 4 weeks but it is worth it! Money well spent!!!

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